
Thank you for your interest in Cape Fear Christian Academy.

Siblings of current students will be given priority. However, reasonable content mastery (80%) of the assessment is crucial for entry into CFCA. Potential Kindergarten enrollees should be able to:
  • write their name independently

  • identify colors

  • identify shapes

  • identify numbers 1-20

  • write numbers 1-10

  • recognize uppercase and lowercase letters

  • identify letter sounds

 All other grade-level entrance assessments are also important in meeting entrance requirements to CFCA in addition to academic records, discipline records, and letters of recommendation. Assessment content is based on grade-level curriculum expectations.

*Siblings who are not currently students at CFCA should complete the “APPLY” link on the CFCA website at the top right of the webpage.

*Complete a separate electronic “Re-Enroll” for each student returning to CFCA.

Thank you,

Allison Pope
Cape Fear Christian Academy